
Unholyunion between Cadaveric Possession (Poland) and Aggressive Mutilator (Sweden). The first five tracks belongs to Cadaveric Possession providing a raw, rugged Black/Death Metal, while the next eigth tracks are by Aggressive Mutilator with his filthy and primitive Black Metal with high doses of punkish attitude.

Country: Poland/Sweden
Label: Mythrone Promotion/Bestial Invasion Records
Year: 2020
Genre: Black/Death Metal

1. Cadaveric Possession – The Call of the Forked Tongue
2. Cadaveric Possession – Crucify the Angels
3. Cadaveric Possession – Elevate the Aphotic Prophecy
4. Cadaveric Possession – The Everlasting Corruption
5. Cadaveric Possession – The Sinister Beholder
6. Aggressive Mutilator – Efterbliven som herrefolket vill
7. Aggressive Mutilator – Den svenska rebellen
8. Aggressive Mutilator – Anskrämlig profet från den gamla onda tiden
9. Aggressive Mutilator – Bekämpa eld med eld och allt ska brinna
10. Aggressive Mutilator – Maskätet sinne
11. Aggressive Mutilator – Knivhuggarrock
12. Aggressive Mutilator – Besökaren
13. Aggressive Mutilator – Världens bottensats

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