LIK “Ma Ljuset Aldrig Na Oss Mer”


Re-issue of LIK’s legendary debut album “Må Ljuset Aldrig Nå Oss Mer” on CD.
Lekamen Illusionen Kallet’s journey started in early ’00s and represents the personal vision of Graav (Armagedda, Ehlder, Graavehlder) about the the distant Northern Europe.
“Må Ljuset Aldrig Nå Oss Mer” is a charismatic hybrid of Black Metal and Rock music where spirituality and mysticism are the main driving force.

Country: Sweden
Label: Agonia Records
Year: 2008
Genre: Black Metal/Rock

1. Pest och pina
2. Hate to Be Human
3. Djupa sinn
4. Guds förlorade skapelser
5. Evig natt
6. Namnlös
7. Bortom allt liv

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