ENTSETZLICH / INITIATION ‎ “Hymns Of Death Triumphant”


Savage split featuring raw, low fi gut wrenching misanthropic Black Metal from Australia’s Entsetzlich and America’s Initiation who execute raw Black Metal with shares of darkness and cosmic despair.
Original released on tape now available on CD.

Country: Australia / United States
Label: Pagan War Rex
Year: 2016
Genre: Black Metal

Entsetzlich side:

Entsetzlich – Into Oblivion… (instrumental)
Entsetzlich – Lost Graves of the Forest
Entsetzlich – Forbidden Spirits
Entsetzlich – Desolation (Winds of Nihilism cover)

Initiation side:

Initiation – In Praise of the Malevolent Conception (instrumental)
Initiation – Immaculate Black Adoration
Initiation – Channeling the Shades of the Undead
Initiation – Magical Shadows of a Tragic Past (Mutiilation cover)

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